New Voices on Food Vol. 2

Order here (published in November ‘22)

Titled ‘Cantonese in the Capital’, my piece in New Voices on Food Vol. 2 reflects on my upbringing in Canberra, and how its Cantonese restaurants helped me connect to my Canto heritage.

—> Read the piece here.


New Voices on Food Vol. 2 (from Somekind Press): The second anthology of works celebrating the diversity of voices to be found within the Australian food landscape. Edited once again by the inimitable Lee Tran Lam and following on from the success of 2020’s initial volume, this second anthology is a little book on food and identity that, we believe, simply cannot be missed.

Featuring a fresh selection of new and emerging voices from a wide variety of under-represented backgrounds and tied around a theme of Past, Present and Future, it promises to open your mind to new perspectives, foods and ways of thinking. A reminder that food can be a powerful time-travel machine – a symbol of 65,000 years of knowledge, as well as a representation of a possible, hopeful future – the contributors’ stories will send you through through different timelines, perspectives and offer one-of-a-kind ways to be moved by food.


Wok Hei: A Smoky Breath of Air (via