cambodia pt 4 - the rest

a short selection of the rest of my photos. truly an amazing country - friendly people, beautiful countryside, great food, and a wicked history. can't wait to go back and see how's it all changed in 10 years...

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cambodian moomooscambodian moomoos

cambodian moomoos

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cambodian boy hanging around his family farmcambodian boy hanging around his family farm

cambodian boy hanging around his family farm

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river cruise in Kampotriver cruise in Kampot

river cruise in Kampot

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little girl looking out of her house, Sihanoukville fishing villagelittle girl looking out of her house, Sihanoukville fishing village

little girl looking out of her house, Sihanoukville fishing village


much deliciousness @ canberra's thai food and cultural festival


cambodia pt 3 - angkor rat